5 things you need to S T O P doing today:

  1. Talking down about yourself. In any way, shape, or form this is NOT okay. It doesn’t change anything or make anything better so just let the self-discouraging talk go. You are beautiful just the way you are, TODAY, in whatever way that looks like to YOU.
  2. Trying to do everything on your own. No one, and I mean NO one has ever survived doing great things or living a full life by themselves. Don’t try to drown yourself because you are too stubborn to ask for help. Everyone needs someone (or sometimes a village — I need the village) to help them live their best life.
  3. Get rid of things and people that don’t bring you joy. Sorry to go Marie Forleo on you, but for real. We are all too busy to waste time on people and superficial “things” that don’t bring us closer to who we want to be in life.
  4. Self-Doubt. There’s no room for that here. Yes, you may have fears that get in your way from time to time, or if you are like me, quite frequently, but it’s time to kick them out the door. There is absolutely no reason you can’t be whoever you want to be and live however you’d like. It’s YOUR damn life.
  5. Comparison. This is a sneaky one that sometimes you don’t even realize you are doing... Scrolling through social media is one of the best examples. A lot of people make their living off of social media, so they are literally being PAID to have that picture perfect life you’re so envious of... but it’s not real life. So stop, STOP comparing your life to someone else’s highlight reel (I believe I stole this favorite line from Rachel Hollis😉). But this one goes both ways — it’s just as bad to compare yourself to someone else as being “better” than them. God made us all, which means flaws and all, we were all created equal. 


XOXO ~ Tara

Owner/Founder @ Social Hour Style

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