
According to Oxford Dictionary, the literal definition of beautifully confident goes as such:



  1. pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
  2. if a very high standard; excellent


  1. a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities


#BeautifullyConfident is the foundation on which my business (and life) is built on. The principle behind these words are why they were chosen, but the meaning behind them is so much stronger than what they may appear.


We are living in a world driven by comparison, other people’s opinions, and a huge fear of standing out against the majority. But why? Isn’t it our choice to raise our kids how we’d like, not have kids if we prefer otherwise, find a career that creates purpose for us, get married or don’t, and live in anyway that we choose?! It should be, but the reality is that most don’t.


We are spending a large amount of time consumed with worry on how we are “supposed” to be living our lives, instead of focusing on what makes us happy and whole. Maybe you don’t want a fancy car or house, maybe you do... maybe you want your kids to eat all organic, maybe you don’t. My point is that whether you want to admit it or not, we are spending far too much time worrying about things that are out of our control.


#BeautifullyConfident was created to break that cycle, because I truly believe that those two words together, can change your perspective about yourself. Think about it. Beautiful is seeing and feeling the amazing things that are around you and in the mirror, along with the excellent ability you already have inside of you to truly enjoy and appreciate it all. Confidence is what you need to be able to get away from self-doubt, trying to please other people (again, out of your control), and look at yourself and others as all people with flaws, but flaws that make you learn and grow and truly appreciate your own unique attributes and abilities.


It’s not something you can snap your fingers and instantly possess, but if you stop looking at the negatives and find the positives in yourself (trust me — there are TONS) and the things that matter most around you, you will gain the beautiful confidence to do amazing things. ❤️


XOXO ~ Tara

Owner/Founder of Social Hour Style

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